"The Shroud"
18" x 24" ruby glass Ambrotype
"Lover, Saint, Servant, Sinner"
20" x 10" archival pigment print
"Magdalena Child"
20" x 30" print
"Anima I"
30" x 20" matte aluminum print
30" x 30" digital print
"Surrendering to Nature III"
20" x 30" aluminum print
"Bone Dress"
30" x 40" tea-stained Cyanotype
24" x 36" digital print and mixed media on wood
17" x 17" archival pigment print
"The Outward Adorning"
16" x 20" tintype printed with transparency in darkroom
"Secrets of Magdalena"
22" x 33" archival pigment print
20" x 20" film printed on palladium